Necessary information for your Mail2Cloud implementation
The mxHERO team is committed to helping you with your Mail2Cloud deployment. Here we describe the steps to have a successful implementation of the products you want to evaluate.
First of all, please register your domain on the Mail2Cloud dashboard.
The Archive product provides 3 tools to archive emails into the cloud:
- Forwarding (Archiving) Address: a special email address to which you can send emails that will be saved into your cloud storage service.
- Mailbox (Email Sync): a service that will connect via IMAP protocol on your email server, read the content according to the given criteria and save the retrieved messages into your cloud storage account.
- PST Importer: read uploaded PST archives and unpack them into your cloud storage account in an organized folder structure.
You can use Forwarding (Archiving) Address in several situations, from simply forwarding a message in your inbox to the special archiving address, or bcc'ing the special address when you are sending a message to someone else, to using the special address with your email system to automatically copy messages to the cloud storage, via "journaling" (MS Exchange) or any other method your email service supports.
If you plan to use the automated method (through the email server integration) you will need:
- MS Exchange or Office 365: the system administrator to set up the Journaling rule on service configuration
- Google Apps: the full administrator to configure the rules.
For email sync, it will depend on the type of email service you are using. mxHERO needs to connect to your email server to read the messages you want to save into the cloud storage. The system connects in a similar way as your email client connects to your email server.
- Gmail Single Account: you have to provide individual user authorization when selecting this option
- Google Apps: To be able to read content from all your Google Apps accounts, the system will require you to install this application. The Google Apps administrator will be necessary in this case.
- Office 365: the system will ask you for a user name and password. If you provide a user name and password of an Office 365 administrator, you'll be able to access any user's account. Otherwise, you'll be able to access only the emails of that specific user, or any emails to which this user has access (example: a team shared account).
- MS Exchange: similar to Office 365, however, you also need to provide the hostname and port to your on-prem Exchange server. This service will connect using the IMAP - IMAP/S protocol, make sure your Exchange server is accessible from the internet and has the ports allowed through your firewall (generally 143 for IMAP and 993 for IMAP/S).
- IMAP Server: similar to on-prem Exchange, you have to provide the credentials and the server access information. Important to mention that on regular IMAP servers, you are only able to access your account data, as regular IMAP implementations won't support access to other users' accounts through your authentication.
This tool will require only the PST you want to import. The PST must be uploaded into your cloud storage account. The tool will pick up the selected PST and unpack the content (messages and attachments) into a structured folder of your choice.
EMAIL FLOW (MAIL2CLOUD FUSION -Auto Attachment Capture-)
Emailflow (Fusion) will automatically integrate your email system with cloud storage, by seamlessly uploading your attachments to the cloud and replacing them, in-flow, with links to the uploaded files. Security, enhanced experience, IT infrastructure optimization, and cloud storage adoption are some of the benefits of leveraging this technology.
Emailflow (Fusion) can be configured in the inbound and/or outbound flow. It can also be configured with any email server. The majority of popular email services will also support the intra-bound flow - messages exchanged within the domain (e.g., from to
Selective routing
Office 365, MS Exchange, and Google Apps support inbound and outbound Fusion enabled for specific users. In general, other email servers will require a company-wide deployment, as server routing changes will be required. Implementing selective routing requires the email service administrator.
Steps for selective routing for:
- Manually Configuring Office 365 selective routing
- Manually Configuring Google Apps selective routing
- MS Exchange - please contact the mxHERO support.
Full routing (recommended)
If you plan to deploy Fusion for the whole company, you can route all the email flow through the mxHERO servers. Google Apps and Office 365 support automatic configuration via the Mail2Cloud dashboard, in the "Domains" section. The email system administrator must follow the provided steps.
For general email deployments, to set up Mail2Cloud for inbound messages, change your domain's MX records, which will require access to your DNS configuration. For the outbound, this will depend on your email server, but essentially, you need to relay all outgoing emails through the mxHERO servers. You can find more details here.
You can configure Mail2Cloud with a single cloud storage user account. However, there are situations in which you want to handle more than one user, e.g., when you are using Email Sync over a list of accounts or when you are using Attachment Protection for the whole company. Instead of creating a single task or individual rule for each one, a single configuration can cover all your company users. In these cases, when you are using a cloud storage admin or co-admin account, this user can "impersonate" other user accounts and save content on their behalf. Using Attachment Protection as an example:
You are a 5 person law firm. You configure a single Fusion rule by setting:
- The domain, e.g., "", to upload and replace attachments using the cloud storage admin account "" in the folder "Mail2Cloud/Attachments".
- When sends a message to, since is the cloud storage admin account, the system can save the attachment being sent from into Bob's storage account (as though it were Bob), even though the system is configured to use's credentials.
For these cases, you'll need the cloud storage administrator to set up the authentication in Mail2Cloud to leverage this capability.