mxSeal Pricing
Discover how to maximize your budget and get the most out of mxSeal's pricing plans.
mxSeal service is priced by number (or quota) of digital signatures. Digital signature quota is valid for one year from the date of purchase.
How is digital signature quota counted?
A "digital signature" is counted against your quota per email attachment sent and signed and is not counted for copies received by each email recipient. For example, if a document is sent to multiple recipients, mxSeal will count only one signature - i.e., digitally signed copies received by multiple recipients do not count against the subscription quota.
How do I know what my quota is and how much has been used?
You can see your current usage and quota in your mxSeal dashboard (

How are digital signatures purchased?
Digital Signatures are sold in packages of different quantities. You can add additional signatures to your quota by purchasing a package from your mxSeal dashboard

What if I want to purchase more signatures than listed?
You can purchase larger packages than those listed (e.g., 20,000, 100,000, etc.). The larger the package, the smaller the unit price. To purchase a larger package, please get in touch with sales by emailing or via our contact form
Are there other payment methods than credit cards?
Yes. To discuss alternative payment options, please contact us by emailing or via our contact form
Can I pay on-demand, instead of pre-pay?
Yes. mxHERO offers subscription plans that are post-charged based on usage. Please contact us by emailing or via our contact form for more details.