RELEASE DATE: 03-13-2025
[FEATURE] Zip Attachments Action
A new action is now available in the dashboard, allowing users to replace email attachments with a password-protected ZIP file. The recipient will receive the email containing only this ZIP file and will receive a separate email with the password required to access the file.
[FEATURE] User Activity Report Rules Data
[FEATURE] Variable Dataset Contains Option
When using regex with datasets, it is now possible to check if the matched regex is contained within the key instead of only matching it exactly.
[FEATURE] App Dashboard Enhanced Recipient Details
The Temporary Hold and Request Approval email views now provide additional details about recipients, indicating whether they are in the To, CC, or another unspecified header field.
[FEATURE] Seconds for Date Variables
The Received Date and Sent Date variables now support extracting seconds as part of the result.
[CHANGE] Temporary Hold Pause Action Update
Extending or pausing an email in Temporary Hold will now result in the email being rejected instead of automatically released after the extended period expires. Users must manually release the email before the time limit to prevent rejection.
[CHANGE] Reprocess Emails - Change Account
When reprocessing emails, users can now select a different account than the original one. However, they should consider that the new account may not have access to the same folders, and any rule creating folders relative to the root user will reflect changes based on the new account.
[BUG] Archiving Address Not Working with Non-Managed Accounts
On February 27, we corrected an issue where emails sent to the address were not processed if they did not originate from the client organization. This was a temporary issue affecting some emails on that day and has been fully resolved.
[BUG] Post-Action Copy and Forward Reprocessing
In some cases, when performing a storage Post-Action Copy or Forward, emails were sent without mxHero-Server headers, causing clients to mistakenly resend them for reprocessing. This issue has been corrected.
[BUG] Tracing Missing Items
An error that caused some events to be missing from tracing reports has been fixed. Now, performing the same search will return the complete and correct list of events.
[BUG] SASL Password Issue
On March 5, we resolved a SASL password issue affecting certain external servers. This issue impacted a small number of emails and exclusively affected four North American clients.
[BUG] Groups Not Listing All Aliases
In Gapps, the synchronization of groups did not correctly display all their aliases. This issue has been fixed, and now all group aliases are included in the listing.
[BUG] Dataset Key Leading and Trailing Spaces
In some cases, leading and trailing spaces were mistakenly allowed in dataset keys, causing configuration issues that prevented correct dataset behavior. This issue has been resolved.
RELEASE DATE: 02-27-2025
[FEATURE] Tracing backend re-implementation
As part of the effort in mxHERO to provide better tracing report we have re-done the storage of any event related to emails. The system is cabale of searching in both legacy system as well the new system so no tracing information is lost in this process.
[CHANGE] Tracking links report new domain
A new domain for tracking links reports has been implemented and the new tracking notification will point to this new domain and the old links to the report will redirect to the new address.
[CHANGE] Request Approval email not sent to sender
When the email sent for Request Approval includes the sender in the approval step, this sender won't get an email for approval.
[CHANGE] Onedrive download link with password for legacy
Legacy links on Onedrive with password are not supported by Microsoft causing and error. We have removed the download links when this combination is requested to avoid this malfunction links.
[CHANGE] Request Approval and Temporary Hold text changes
We have made some changes on the text related to these two actions as well on the end user access application.
[CHANGE] Request Approval and Temporary Hold text changes
We have made some changes on the text related to these two actions as well on the end user access application.
[FIX] Dataset matching error
When matching a dataset in some cases the keys were created with additional whitespaces on the key preventing the matching on equals conditions.
[FIX] Regex field reset when changing dataset on variable edition
When editing a variable using a regex action with a dataset every time the regex was change the selection for the regex to match the dataset was also reset.
[FIX] Dataset do not allow to rename
Dataset was preventing the action of renaming it.
[FIX] Dataset Sync error with Egnyte
When calling Egnyte the low rate-limit api limitations of Egnyte platform caused the process to fail and to fail in the following retries. A more robust implementation on the API and on the rate-limit retry was introduced for the dataset preventing these issues with large folders content.
[FIX] email loops
When the client was receiving a email as a response to an action these emails did not contained the Transport Agent Server header to avoid the server of the client to re-send it back to our platform for processing and causing in some cases to trigger another email that keep the loop on going.
[FIX] More actions removal broken link
When clicking on the removing icon in more actions for rule this link broken preventing to remove the action.
[FIX] Visual error displaying security selected on rules
When editing rules the security selected was not always correctly displayed.
[FIX] Error while re-processing copies
When selecting bounce email to sender as optional action on a rule this option could not be removed.
[FIX] Unexpected error on storage processing
Some errors may happen when processing storage that could be retry were not causing the storage process to fail. Now these errors are properly retry.
For emails of the action COPY with email flow target or archiving address the option to reprocess was failing to execute when manually called by the user on the dashboard section for these emails.
[FIX] Bounce email to sender actions
RELEASE DATE: 02-13-2025
[CHANGE] Delivery information in preprocessed emails
Emails in the pre-processing phase now display the delivery status for each recipient.
[CHANGE] Sender can't approve its own request
If the sender is included as an approver in any step, they will no longer be permitted to approve their own request.
[CHANGE] Send Delay text changes
The Send Delay action has been renamed to "Temporarily Hold." Additional text changes have been implemented throughout the app user interface and dashboard related to this functionality.
[CHANGE] Groups/List for Temporarily Hold and Request Approval
Users now have access to emails sent by their groups, along with dedicated pre-filter items for those messages.
RELEASE DATE: 01-31-2025
[FEATURE] Template Policies Support Multiple Results
Template policies can now be configured with different default conditions, allowing multiple templates to be triggered and processed for the same email.
[FEATURE] Send Delay Notification Message
We have added an option to configure a notification message for the sender, informing them that their email has been placed on hold.
[FEATURE] IP Tracking Exceptions
A new configuration option allows users to define a list of IP masks to be ignored in tracking. Emails from these addresses will not trigger tracking notifications. This is useful for excluding proxies and other internal security systems from tracking reports.
[CHANGE] Optional Messages for Request Approval
All messages for the request approval action are now optional and can be enabled or disabled per rule.
RELEASE DATE: 01-22-2025
[FIX] Send the same copy of the attachment links to all recipients
We received reports that this option was not working as expected when multiple rules were applied within the same organization. Specifically, Outlook was splitting emails by recipient in a way our system did not anticipate for certain tenants. To address this, we moved the 'Protect Attachments,' 'Secure Email,' and 'Copy' processes from the preprocessing phase to a per-recipient phase, adding synchronization on our side for storage. After testing various scenarios, we confirmed this is a more reliable approach that does not depend on the external SMTP provider’s recipient grouping.
RELEASE DATE: 01-16-2025
[FEATURE] Request Approval Action
This new action allows users to create email flow rules that pause email delivery until they are reviewed, approved, or rejected. It supports multiple approval steps, as well as a new end-user dashboard to manage these approvals at “”
[FEATURE] Send Delay Action
This new action allows emails to be delayed before being sent, giving the sender time to verify or revise the content. The sender can access the end-user dashboard to manage these delays at “”
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares download
We have added an optional download button for files that do not support preview, rather than automatically forcing a download.
[CHANGE] Tracing rules events grouping
Events related to rule execution are now grouped and ordered. This improvement helps users better understand tracing events when an email triggers more than one rule at the same time.
[CHANGE] Email Loop protection enhancement
We have strengthened loop protection for emails passing through the platform by enforcing a maximum of 50 hops per email. If this limit is exceeded, a 554 SMTP code will be returned to the sender. Although this limit existed previously, it is now strictly enforced in all cases.
RELEASE DATE: 12-30-2024
[FIX] Malformed emails processing
We identified a malformed email from Zoom, which had an incorrect ICS calendar header format that prevented it from being processed by mxHero. Consequently, the email was returned for delivery. The issue was that the required X-Mxhero-Server header was not added, causing the email to loop and remain undelivered. We have corrected this specific case and updated our process to handle any similar future issues and avoid loops.
RELEASE DATE: 12-26-2024
[FIX] Dashboard attachments links
Bug correction that affected the first step selection if links were added into body, attachment pdf or both when changing the attachment name structure in the step 4. When doing the change and saving the first step will be changed to other value different from the one saved before.
RELEASE DATE: 12-25-2024
[FIX] Attachments Normalized Name incorrect values
Fix that addresses the attachment renaming issue specifically related to the 'Attachment Name Normalized' setting. Going forward, files should maintain correct and unique filenames."
RELEASE DATE: 12-20-2024
[CHANGE] Zip with Password filter exclusion
When selecting the option to process Zips with passwords, all other filters are now displayed as disabled in the dashboard, reflecting their actual behavior.
[CHANGE] Rules group in Pre-Process for Tracing
When executing rules in the pre-process phase, we now group the rules for all recipients to simplify the view in the tracing report.
[FIX] mxHero Shares preview of images
Corrected an issue causing previews to fail for certain image formats, such as PNG.
RELEASE DATE: 12-12-2024
[FEATURE] Added Include RFC822 Emails filter option
When enabled, any RFC822-formatted messages attached to an email will be treated as standard attachments. Previously, this was the default behavior for all actions, but now it can be selected in the content filter section.
[FEATURE] New Variable Attachments Header and Footer Text
A new variable is available that retrieves header and footer text from Microsoft Office files (xls, xlsx, doc, docx, ppt, and pptx) if present.
[FEATURE] Tracing report Improvement
In the Preprocess phase, we have unified the received messages and added the Split Processing record, indicating that the email has been sent for rule processing to each recipient.
[FEATURE] Protect Attachments and Mailbox support also copy
By customer request, in certain cases it is necessary to copy the email even if no attachments are present. For Mailbox targets only, we have added an advanced option to allow copying the email or PDF event when no attachments are included.
[CHANGE] SMTP Phase default folders
When selecting storage actions in Email Flow that affect all recipients, the default folders have been changed so they do not use a specific recipient as part of the path. Since the path does not change between recipients, this ensures a consistent folder structure.
[CHANGE] Disable other filters when selecting Only process protected Zip Files
When the “Only process protected Zip Files” option is selected, other filters are ignored. We now disable the other options to prevent confusion.
[CHANGE] Added plain text to password notification
We have included a plain text alternative in the emails sent to recipients to accommodate mail clients that do not support HTML content.
[CHANGE] Attachment Normalized Name and Subject Normalized
These variables have been made more restrictive to accommodate storage restrictions (e.g., BOX). We recommend using these two variables when selecting file or path naming conventions.
[BUG] Wrong storage cache usage
Under certain race conditions, when a Copy Rule in an email flow and a Protect Attachment rule were applied simultaneously with a storage account rate limit in place, the Copy links were incorrectly used instead of the Replace Attachments links. This issue has been resolved by properly separating these actions into distinct caches.
[BUG] Archiving target filters saving
When modifying Archiving target filters, changes were not being saved. This issue has been corrected.
[BUG] Error in tracing for SMTP Phase rules in Engine
When Protect Attachments was configured to create the same link for all recipients, a race condition could cause a tracing error. This has been fixed and the error will no longer appear in tracing reports.
[BUG] Duplicated links on SMTP phase processing
When Protect Attachments was used to create the same link for all recipients, attachments could be listed twice in the email. This issue has been resolved.
RELEASE DATE: 11-28-2024
[FEATURE] Transport Agent Key Priority
Emails containing the X-mxHero-Transport-Agent header are now processed exclusively for the organization associated with that transport agent key. Additionally, the X-mxHero-Server key is only returned for the same organization. This ensures emails are not processed for organizations that are not actively sending them for processing, even if the sender belongs to a different organization.
[FEATURE] Trace Report Columns Export
The tracing report now allows users to select which columns to include in the exported ZIP file. This feature is useful for excluding unnecessary information and reducing file size when exporting many items.
[CHANGE] Preprocess for Email Flow and Storage
When sending an email with the option “Send the same copy of the attachment links to all recipients,” only one link is created regardless of the number of recipients. This same link is reused for all recipients, reducing rate limits when sending emails to multiple recipients.
[CHANGE] Outlook Extension Final Deprecation
All processing for the legacy Outlook extension has been removed. The extension is now officially no longer supported.
[CHANGE] Lost Individual Authentication Accounts
Notification emails for individual storage authentication issues now include a new link to the dashboard, enabling users to re-authenticate the specific account directly.
RELEASE DATE: 11-14-2024
[FEATURE] Attachments with Password Protected Zip files
We have introduced a new filter that detects password-protected attachments in emails. This can be used in all our applications to intercept these contents and take actions such as blocking their transmission or applying specific storage protections to them.
[FEATURE] Tracing Pre-Process Grouping
Emails sent to our server from the same sender and Message ID are now grouped as one in the pre-processing phase during tracing when listing them. This improves the readability of the tracing report, and any action taken on the email is shown in the same place.
[FEATURE] Preprocessing on Protect Attachments and Secure Email actions
When using the same folder destination for these emails, the same files are now used in the pre-processing phase when selected in the rule. This avoids recurrent uploads of the same file, helping to manage rate limits on all storage systems or Microsoft Share limitations. We will continue improving this preprocessing for these actions and all other actions on the platform.
[CHANGE] Advanced filters implementations for Office365 Sources Synchronization
Microsoft Office365 has several limitations with the Graph API used to list users in the organization. Some of the available filters, such as “startsWith,” are marked as advanced filters and required changes on our side to properly make the request to Microsoft. We have implemented these changes, and they are now fully supported on the platform.
[CHANGE] Support for incorrectly encoded Subjects from Legacy systems
Some legacy systems send malformed emails, specifically related to the subject, where they fail to properly encode non-ASCII subjects when required by the protocol. We have implemented a detection system for these cases and now encode these problematic headers before processing the emails to prevent any issues.
[FIX] Email address with prvs= or caf_=
While we support these specific sender group addresses, we detected that in some cases, the email was incorrectly delivered back to the server with the recipient/sender information instead of the original prvs= or caf_=. These unusual cases have now been corrected.
[FIX] Delivery Delay
We identified a recent issue in our new SMTP preprocessing phase where, in some exceptional cases, emails could be held and looped within the platform without being delivered. All affected cases were identified and correctly delivered. The issue has been corrected, and a monitoring system has been put in place for this new processing phase to prevent delays in future email deliveries.
RELEASE DATE: 10-31-2024
[FEATURE] Attachment Normalized Name Variable
We have introduced a new variable that returns the file name with a normalized charset. This addresses issues where certain storage solutions do not support specific characters in file names. If you have encountered this issue before, we recommend switching to this new variable.
[FEATURE] Attachment Zip with Password Counter Variable
A new variable is now available that counts the number of password-protected zip attachments in an email. This can be useful for creating a Filter Policy to act on such emails or files. In the next sprint, a dedicated filter for this feature will also be added.
[FEATURE] Preprocessing of Rules per Action
All email flow target rules now have an option to execute as a whole instead of per recipient, as is usually the case. This is an experimental feature and currently works as expected when emails are sent to our server as a single delivery for all recipients. If an organization’s server sends the email multiple times for different recipients, the process will execute each time it is sent. In the next sprint, we plan to add functionality to handle these cases more consistently.
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares Preview
We have implemented Office365 integration for file previews, allowing users to open Office365 emails, PDFs, images, and MP4 videos in the browser without needing software installed locally.
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares URL Structure
The structure of mxHERO Shares URLs has been updated. These changes consolidate all current folder and file views into a unified interface.
[CHANGE] Tracing Report Expiration Warning
A warning message has been added to indicate the expiration date of generated reports. We also corrected an issue where expired reports were still being displayed.
[CHANGE] Tracing Report New Fields
We have added a preprocessing phase field to the tracing report, which now displays two phases: one for each received email and another for emails split per recipient for processing. Currently, multiple received emails may appear if messages are sent in batches, as we are not yet grouping them. This will be streamlined in future updates to display only a single entry per batch.
[FIX] Storage File Not Found Error
We resolved an issue where an error was incorrectly displayed, indicating that an email or its attachments were not uploaded to storage, even when they were. This false positive error has been addressed and should no longer appear.
RELEASE DATE: 10-03-2024
[FEATURE] Datasets Storage Synchronization
We have added a way to synchronize Datasets with cloud storage content in a folder. The user can select a defined folder, and they decide if they want to create a dataset that would contain the files or the folder names and ids as content. This synchronization can be run every 6, 12 or 24 hours.
[FEATURE] Filter Polices
The new Filter Polices has been added to the dashboard and can be set to any rule targeting Email Flow, Archiving Address or Mailbox. This new feature allows to use complex variables to decide if the rule should be executed instead of only using the available filters or Copy Policy.
[FIX] mxHERO Shares list overflow
Corrected how are displayed large that cannot fit the screen size when listed.
[FIX] Tracing Reports expiration
When reports expired they were not removed the list causing access issues when clicked. We have correctly set the date and the removal of expired reports.
RELEASE DATE: 10-03-2024
[FEATURE] Malware false positives filter
mxHERO Shares now includes a malware flag filter in its search function. This allows users to easily find shared files flagged with malware directly from the dashboard.
[FEATURE] Tracing delivery details
The tracing report now features an extended "details" button for each email delivery, showing the result of the delivery notification sent to the external SMTP server.
[FIX] Microsoft Office365 accounts sync missing
We detected that certain Microsoft Graph API accounts lacked the “userType” attribute, leading mxHero to filter out these accounts. We have updated our sync process to include accounts even if this attribute is missing.
[FIX] Tracking links not triggering in accounts not listed
Previously, if the sender's account was not listed in the “Accounts and Groups” section, link tracking or email opening triggers were not activated. This issue has been resolved, and now the sender only needs to belong to the organization, without being explicitly listed.
[FIX] Email Flow target not listing groups' email accounts
While groups could be selected for referencing members, the group email address itself could not be selected. Now, the group’s email address can be selected like any other account.
[FIX] Preview links for mxHero Shares not showing correct names
File previews were not showing the correct file names. This has been corrected so that previews always display the proper file name.
RELEASE DATE: 09-19-2024
[FEATURE] Malware detection false positives
mxHERO Shares now displays a flag on the dashboard for shared links that had malware detected. It also provides a way to mark false positives as secure, allowing access to the links again.
[FEATURE] Google authentication for mxHERO Shares
Google can now be selected as an authentication mechanism for links shared with both external and organizational access.
[FEATURE] Microsoft authentication for mxHERO Shares
Microsoft can now be selected as an authentication mechanism for links shared with both external and organizational access.
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares translations
mxHERO Shares now support translations into different languages, enhancing accessibility.
[FIX] Collaboration of folder while using recipient access
Previously, both folder collaboration and recipient access were allowed simultaneously by mistake. Now, only one option is permitted—either collaborating on a folder or selecting recipient access.
[FIX] Recipient or Sender information missing
When creating folders or naming files, if the email was missing recipient or sender information, both fields failed along with all related attributes. This issue, generally linked to email server notifications, has been resolved for better handling of these cases, ensuring proper information is displayed or partially processed.
[FIX] Groups emails cannot be selected for email flow
In the Email Flow rule creation, group email addresses could not be selected as a target, only individual group members. This has been corrected, and group email addresses can now be selected like any other account.
[FIX] Mailbox Rules not showing error details for emails
When listing account details, if the account had emails with non-retriable errors, the error details were missing. This has been corrected, and error information is now accessible from the dashboard.
RELEASE DATE: 08-22-2024
[FEATURE] Dropbox Team space support
Following changes in the Dropbox API regarding the handling of the user's root folder, we have implemented a feature that allows users to select either their private user space or shared team space when choosing a folder destination.
[CHANGE] Tracing Report UI Enhancements
We have made changes to how report sections are displayed based on the pending status and whether items exist.
[FIX] Registration error
When a user already existed in another registration and was registering anew, we encountered an issue where the new organization was created, but the user could not be added to it due to their presence in the previous one. This issue has been resolved.
[FIX] mxHERO Shares password error
When using mxHERO Shares with a password, there was an error preventing access to the file. This issue has been corrected.
[FIX] Mailbox with Office365 Quota
We have improved the handling of specific errors for emails deleted or changed in Office365 by mxHERO that were producing a specific ErrorQuotaExceed. These errors are now correctly retried and finally processed.
RELEASE DATE: 08-22-2024
[FEATURE] Dropbox Team space support
Following changes in the Dropbox API regarding the handling of the user's root folder, we have implemented a feature that allows users to select either their private user space or shared team space when choosing a folder destination.
[CHANGE] Tracing Report UI Enhancements
We have made changes to how report sections are displayed based on the pending status and whether items exist.
[FIX] Registration error
When a user already existed in another registration and was registering anew, we encountered an issue where the new organization was created, but the user could not be added to it due to their presence in the previous one. This issue has been resolved.
[FIX] mxHERO Shares password error
When using mxHERO Shares with a password, there was an error preventing access to the file. This issue has been corrected.
[FIX] Mailbox with Office365 Quota
We have improved the handling of specific errors for emails deleted or changed in Office365 by mxHERO that were producing a specific ErrorQuotaExceed. These errors are now correctly retried and finally processed.
RELEASE DATE: 08-09-2024
[FEATURE] GPT_4o model added
The new GPT_4o model is now available and can be selected for use within your organization's variables.
[FEATURE] Tracing reports
Tracing functionality has been enhanced. Organizations can now request larger volumes of records in their searches (500k limit). These records will be processed, zipped, and stored for download for up to one week, with access available to multiple users within the organization.
[CHANGE] Tracing download CSV format
Tracing report downloads are now provided in CSV format, including all tracing records from the search, packaged as a ZIP file.
[CHANGE] Prevent file download removed for mxHERO Shares
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares mobile render support for folders
The landing page for shared folders in mxHERO Shares is now optimized for better viewing on mobile devices.
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares better error pages
Error pages for expired files, missing files, or other unexpected errors in mxHERO Shares now feature more user-friendly messages.
[CHANGE] mxHERO Shares download
If a shared item does not include a download option, the folder view will no longer display a download button.
[FIX] Variable Test not working
Resolved an issue where the variable test would not activate in certain cases related to dataset usage, preventing users from performing a test.
[FIX] Rule execute and stop not audited
Fixed an issue where changing the state of a rule to "execute" or "stop" was not generating a user activity event in the dashboard.
[FIX] Variable more than 10 regex groups
Addressed a problem where complex regex patterns with more than 10 groups would sometimes not allow all groups to be selected for the rest of the variable fields.
[FIX] Editing Variable missing to Value field
Fixed a problem where, in some cases, the "toValue" modification was not saved when editing a variable.
[FIX] BOX “Malformed Assertion” error
Corrected an issue where the BOX SDK occasionally failed with an unexpected 400 error code, which will now be retried until successful.
[FIX] Tracing download empty
Fixed an issue where some tracing downloads would result in an empty file.
[FIX] Notification error when retrieving details
Resolved an issue where certain email notifications failed to download event details, showing an error message instead of the actual details.
RELEASE DATE: 07-25-2024
[FEATURE] mxHERO Storage Shares Password Support
We have introduced password authentication support for links generated with the beta version of mxHERO Storage Shares. When this option is selected, recipients will receive a separate email containing the password needed to access the shared links.
[FEATURE] mxHERO Storage Shares Folder Support
Folder sharing support has been added for links generated with the beta version of mxHERO Storage Shares. Recipients will receive an email with links to the folder where the attachments are located, providing a landing page that displays all files and links for access.
[CHANGE] Tracking Notifications Optional Details Link
Organizations can now choose whether to receive a detailed report on file and email access, including location and device information for recipients who clicked the links.
[CHANGE] Copy with Email Flow Target Forward Option on Error
For Copy rules with an Email Flow target, an additional action has been added to allow users to forward error emails if the upload to storage fails.
[CHANGE] Copy with Email Flow Target Save Forward Emails as Separate Files
For Copy rules with an Email Flow target, a new option allows forwarded or attached emails to be saved as separate processes. This enables emails sent with other emails attached to be saved individually.
[FIX] #NOMXHERO Hashtag Only Worked on First Rule
The #NOMXHERO hashtag, used to prevent rule execution, was only effective on the first rule, causing subsequent rules to execute. This issue has been fixed to ensure the hashtag prevents execution across all applicable rules.
[FIX] Variable Test with Dates Error
An error was preventing tests on variables that included date sources as conditions. This issue has been resolved, allowing tests to execute correctly.
[FIX] mxHERO Storage Shares Tracking Error
Tracking with the new mxHERO Storage Shares failed due to incorrect implementation in the beta release. This issue has been corrected.
[FIX] Rules with Mailbox Based on Office365 Retry Auth Errors
Emails encountering unexpected authentication errors on the mailbox account were retried three times before being discarded as errors. This has been updated to allow continuous retries, enabling automatic recovery if the authentication issue is resolved.
RELEASE DATE: 07-11-2024
[FEATURE] Office 365 Connector enabled/disabled option
We have added an option to decide whether the connector will create rules as enabled or disabled. This is useful for clients who want to customize the audience of the email traffic redirection to our servers before enabling it.
[FEATURE] mxHero Shares (Beta) custom security definitions
We added the option to create new security definitions for our mxHero Shares cloud storage solutions. Currently, only time expiration and download link customization are available. In the future, we will add password protection as well.
[CHANGE] Dataset external API added individual element upsert and delete
For our external API for Dataset management, we have added two new endpoints. One endpoint allows upserting individual elements of the dataset, and the other allows removing individual elements.
[CHANGE] mxHero Shares change of URL
In our Beta service, we have changed the URL used for accessing uploaded files. Previously shared files will no longer be accessible.
[FIX] Copy Policy Always not working when no other match
When using the default destination folder with the “Always” option, and there was no other match, the Copy Policy was not applying the Default folder. This issue has been fixed.
[FIX] Body PDF not being shared on Secure Email
For the Secure Email action, the Body PDF was not being shared along with the attachments. This issue has been resolved.
[FIX] Office 365 Login failing on Legacy Dashboard
The Legacy Dashboard was failing to log in users with Office 365 credentials. This issue has been corrected.
[FIX] Template definition error loop
When loading template definitions, if there was an error with the user storage credential, it caused an error loop that prevented any action. This issue has been fixed.
[FIX] Balance Account option not displayed
There was a visual error on the dashboard that was not displaying the balance account options for some actions. This issue has been corrected.
[FIX] Mailbox error processing not valid emails
When an IMAP account listed a folder that contained no valid emails, it failed to process the account and could not proceed. This issue has been fixed.
[FIX] Missing variables when saving a Copy Policy
In some conditional events, when saving a Copy Policy, the evaluated variable was not being saved. This issue has been resolved.
[FIX] Mailbox not saving new emails for some accounts
When accounts had many new email events created or modified in the inbox, they took precedence over other accounts, preventing them from executing completely in some cases. Now accounts are correctly distributed over time.
RELEASE DATE: 06-27-2024
[FEATURE] mxHero Cloud Storage
We have added a BETA version of our mxHero Cloud Storage. It will be available for use with Protect Attachments and Secure Emails rules using the Email Flow target. The only allowed security for this beta will be with expiry links. Each organization will have its own separate storage, and admins can search in “mxHERO Storage Shares” for any created link and edit them. Links can also be edited by accessing them via the Tracing report.
[FEATURE] mxHero API upsert and delete per dataset item
We have added the ability to upsert and delete individual items in a dataset via the mxHero API.
[CHANGE] Office365 connector removal of mxHero-Service header
We have removed the creation of the rule “Remove mxHero header” that removed the header added by mxHero identifying the processing when the email was finally sent to delivery by Office365.
[CHANGE] Changed “Pick from storage” option in copy policies
We have changed the "Pick from storage" selection in copy policies to enforce the usage of only one storage type per policy.
[CHANGE] Legacy dashboard deprecation notice
We have added a message on the Legacy dashboard to notify users that August will be the last month to access it. After that, organizations will be migrated to the new platform if they have not been migrated already.
RELEASE DATE: 06-13-2024
[CHANGE] Close popup windows for Office365 connector
We have added a close button for the popup window. Now it is possible to close the window without having to reload the page or navigate to another page to cancel the process.
[CHANGE] IP address and User agent information
For the tracking report, we have added IP address and user agent information for each access in the list.
[CHANGE] Source Directory advanced options
We have moved all the filters to an advanced options section since they are not required for creation or editing.
[CHANGE] Copy Policy not matched information on tracing report
We have changed how a Copy Policy that did not match any folder is shown in the tracing report. Now, instead of an error, it is displayed with an explanation that there was no match.
[FIX] Mailbox task removed duplicated process
In some cases, the Mailbox task would process the same email multiple times before finishing. We have corrected this issue, resulting in better execution time for the whole task.
[FIX] BOX API wrong HTTP code
In some cases, the BOX API would return several 502 errors for a call followed by a 400. We have identified this case, and the last 400 is now retried so emails are correctly uploaded to BOX.
[FIX] Domain changes not updated on Delivery server
When updating domain server or relay information, these changes were not immediately replicated on our servers. Now, these changes are instant with no delay.
RELEASE DATE: 05-30-2024
[FEATURE] Readable text for DWG (CAD) attachments
We now support reading the text from DWG attachments, which are heavily used in the Construction Industry. This text can be utilized in our variable system.
[FEATURE] Groups Accounts added to Usage Report
We now display both Email accounts and Group accounts, providing a comprehensive view of all email accounts synced to mxHero based on the Source directory.
[FEATURE] Mailbox target rules can change storage
We now allow the storage accounts for Mailbox rules to be changed.
[FEATURE] Delete Domain
We now allow the deletion of any managed email, including manually added ones. This is helpful when a domain is synced by mistake and later needs to be removed and added to an exclusion rule.
[CHANGE] Export both email and group accounts
The export button now exports both user email accounts and group accounts.
[CHANGE] Variable autocomplete uses name and IDs
Platform variables were previously autocompleted using their ID only. Now, we support search using both ID and name.
[CHANGE] Tracking report geolocation by IP warning
We have added a visible warning indicating that GeoLocation is based on the IP address of the user who clicks the links, which may not be exact.
[CHANGE] OneDrive Legacy Link rename
We have renamed this to “OneDrive/Sharepoint direct download links UI dependent” and added a proper description of how it works.
[CHANGE] Google Drive for Organization rename
We have renamed Google Drive for Organization to Gapps for Organizations since this includes Drive, Mailbox, and Source Directory.
[FIX] Box do not override failing when same name as folder
When a file set to "do not override" had the same name as an existing folder, an error occurred, resulting in a retry-later loop. This caused delays in Mailbox rules processing and Protect Attachments processing. This issue has been fixed.
[FIX] Removed pickup folder for Sharepoint Site or Shared Drive
We have removed the pickup folder option when a Sharepoint site or Shared Drive is selected. This prevents incorrect usage and mismatches between the components.
[FIX] Search Accounts filter not working
The search account filter was disabled and non-functional. It is now operative again.
[FIX] Security Definitions for Egnyte Gov cannot be created
Egnyte Gov security definitions could not be created. This issue has been corrected, allowing them to be created with the same restrictions that Egnyte imposes for their security options.
[FIX] Dataset Value not showing
When creating a variable using a regex Dataset, the resulting value of the matched Dataset key was not available for selection. This issue has been resolved.
[FIX] Office365 connection not working with both flows
When attempting to run the connection script for both inbound and outbound rules, an error occurred, resulting in only the inbound rule being created. This has been corrected.
[FIX] Correcting visual text paths showing ROOT all the time
In cases where a user selects a folder using the pickup folder option or a variable, the starting folder for the path is not ROOT but the selected parent. However, it was always displayed as ROOT. This issue has been fixed.
RELEASE DATE: 05-20-2024
[FEATURE] Egnyte Government support
We have added support for Egnyte Government cloud storage. It is listed as a new storage option that can be selected and offers the same features as the standard Egnyte Storage.
[FEATURE] Sharepoint Site support for Copy Policy
We added support for selecting a Sharepoint Site in a Copy Policy.
[CHANGE] Tracking IP accuracy improvement
We have updated our IP to Location database to provide more accurate tracking reports.
[FIX] Slow Large Dataset Edition
It is now possible to edit datasets with thousands of elements. Previously, editing these datasets caused the dashboard to crash.
[FIX] Direction filters failing when only managed accounts selected
When creating “Sender/Recipient (From/To) Exclusions” filters in rules in conjunction with “Process only managed accounts,” these filters were failing. This has been corrected and they now work together.
[FIX] Integrated accounts cannot be deleted
Resolved the issue where integrated accounts from storage and mailbox could not be deleted.
[FIX] Egnyte Storage accounts marked as not synced
In some high concurrency cases for Mailbox rules, Egnyte Storage accounts were incorrectly marked as not synced. This has been corrected.
[FIX] Office365 and Gapps organization registration
Corrected issues where registering a new organization from these two sources caused an error, preventing completion.
[FIX] Password validation on registration
Resolved an error that prevented password validation when creating an organization.
RELEASE DATE: 05-02-2024
[FEATURE] Mailbox Rules Display Error Field per Email
Now, for improved user comprehension, an error field is included for each email processed with errors, providing users with better insight into the cause of the error.
[FEATURE] Folder Links
The option to include folder links instead of file links has been introduced. Users can now choose to utilize folder links with the following options: Never, Always, or When an email has N or more attachments. This setting can be configured on a per-rule basis under storage advanced options.
[CHANGE] Onedrive Links with Password Support
Microsoft recently introduced support for links with passwords using their API for Business and Sharepoint accounts. This feature, previously available only for personal accounts, is now supported in our platform for secure sharing.
[CHANGE] Onedrive Legacy Links Support for Sharepoint
Support for legacy links has been extended to Sharepoint Sites, enabling direct download options similar to those available for Business accounts, leveraging the Sharepoint UI/Web interface.
[CHANGE] Copy Policy Adds Folder Storage Pickup Selection
When selecting a pickup folder for a Copy Policy, it is now tied to the same storage type as any other selection. This means that only one storage type can be used from now on.
[FIX] Error When Using Blank Spaces in Folder Filter for Mailbox
Previously, creating a folder filter in Mailbox rules could lead to mismatches if blank spaces were included in the folder name. This issue has been rectified.
[FIX] Dataset Resets Variable Settings
A problem where steps were reset when using datasets for variable creation has been resolved. Users no longer need to recreate these steps.
[FIX] Missing Variables for Japanese Language
Certain platform variables were not listed for selection when the dashboard language was set to Japanese. This issue has been fixed.
[FIX] Google Apps Installation Failure
The final step of setting up Google Apps installation on the dashboard was failing during verification due to changes in the Gapps API. This issue has been resolved.
RELEASE DATE: 04-18-2024
[FEATURE] Open AI Model Selection
Clients now have the option to select between the CPT-3.5 Turbo and CPT-4 Turbo Open AI models under the Integrations section.
[FEATURE] mxHero Rule Headers for Emails and Password Notifications
Headers identifying the executed rule have been added to email and password notifications. This enhancement aids clients in integrating emails with other systems by clearly indicating that they were processed by mxHERO.
[FEATURE] mxHERO API Integration for Datasets
Clients can now utilize API calls to enable access to mxHERO Datasets, allowing for the creation and updating of datasets. This integration enables the incorporation of client information into datasets within variables and policies, facilitating decision-making related to file management and security.
[FIX] Error Handling for Copy Policy without Required Variables
Resolved an issue where attempting to create a Copy Policy without selecting any variables resulted in an undefined error. Users are now properly notified about the missing variable selection.
[FIX] Google Notification Emails from
Google utilized the client organization's name to send emails through the platform, resulting in rejection due to "" not being a domain owned by the client. This issue has been addressed to ensure proper email delivery.
[FIX] Onedrive Legacy Link Save Functionality
Fixed an issue where the option to use Onedrive Legacy Link was not saved, rendering it unusable. This functionality has been corrected and is now properly saved.
[FIX] Registration with Username and Password Issue
Resolved an issue where organizations created using email registration encountered difficulty accessing the dashboard with the provided password, preventing users from completing the registration process. This issue has been rectified for smoother registration flow.
RELEASE DATE: 04-04-2024
[FEATURE] DKIM Management
The dashboard now offers autonomous DKIM setup for organizations, allowing for the configuration of public and private keys per domain, along with DNS verification.
[FEATURE] embeddedDownload Option for Plain Text Links
An option has been added to include a download link alongside the view link in plain text emails when using links replacement, providing organizations with the flexibility to decide on download link inclusion.
[FEATURE] Mailbox Rules Alert for Errors
Mailbox rules targeting User Mailbox now display a visual icon in the rule list to alert users of any errors associated with the rule's accounts, streamlining error identification without the need for manual inspection.
[FEATURE] Mailbox Rules Error Email Display
For rules targeting User Mailbox with accounts encountering errors, users can access a list of emails with errors for each account, displaying folder, subject, and message ID information for easy troubleshooting.
[FEATURE] Email Flow Added to Usage Report
Clients can now view the number of emails sent to mxHero for processing categorized as Inflow, Outflow, and Intrabound emails in the usage report.
[CHANGE] Large Accounts Upload
Support for uploading large files containing accounts has been implemented, along with improved execution and progress information for enhanced user experience.
[FIX] Office365 Mailbox Delegated Accounts and Protect Attachments Error
Resolved an issue where using an individual Office365 Mailbox user account to access other accounts and protect attachments would result in an error, preventing modification of these emails. This functionality has now been corrected.
[FIX] {Email Address} and {Peer Address} Presence Issue
Addressed a situation where {Email Address} and {Peer Address} variables were empty when email accounts in communication were not specifically listed in the organization's Accounts and Groups directory. They now contain the email address if the domain is in the organization but the account is not listed.
[FIX] Copy Rules with Copy Policy Issue
Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to copy rules containing a Copy Policy. Users can now successfully copy rules without encountering any issues related to Copy Policy inclusion.
[FIX] Box Link Password Issue
Corrected an exceptional case where the password generated for a Box share link did not comply with requirements, causing the share creation to fail while returning links without sharing. This issue has been rectified to ensure successful link sharing.
RELEASE DATE: 03-21-2024
[FEATURE] Office365 Directory Integration Enhancements
In the Integration section, when Office365 Directory is installed, users will now have the option to add a source directly from the screen, streamlining the setup process.
[FEATURE] Accounts Search by Tag
Introduced a filter option allowing users to search for accounts based on tags, providing improved organization and accessibility of account data.
[FEATURE] Accounts Edit Tag Autocomplete
Enhanced the account editing interface by adding autocomplete functionality to the tag section. Users will now receive suggestions based on existing tags within the organization, simplifying the tagging process.
[FIX] Error Handling for Groups with No Emails
Resolved an issue where attempting to edit groups without emails resulted in an error. Groups without emails can no longer be edited, preventing such errors from occurring.
[FIX] Integration Accounts Duplication
Addressed a scenario where accounts were erroneously listed multiple times within integrations. Duplicate accounts have been removed, ensuring accurate integration data representation.
[FIX] Sync Status Reflection for Office365 Mailbox Accounts
Corrected an issue where the sync status for Office365 Mailbox accounts did not accurately reflect changes in credentials status. This fix ensures that changes in credential status are properly reflected in the sync status of Office365 Mailbox accounts.
RELEASE DATE: 03-07-2024
[FEATURE] Open AI Integration
Introducing a new Open AI integration that allows users to query the AI for information on emails in flow. This integration enables users to make decisions related to security permissions for links or automate the filing of emails into specific folders within the storage.
[FEATURE] Office365 Mailbox Integration
The Office365 Mailbox Integration is now listed in our dashboard, allowing users to install and verify it directly from the designated Integrations section.
[FEATURE] Office365 Directory Integration
The Office365 Directory Integration is now visible in our dashboard, providing users with the ability to install and verify it conveniently from the Integrations section.
[CHANGE] Legacy Dashboard Audit Section Removal
The Audit section has been removed from the legacy dashboard. For users requiring this functionality, please contact support or your reseller to facilitate migration to the new platform.
[CHANGE] Google Integration Rename
The Google integration, previously associated only with storage, now reflects its broader functionality, including access to mailboxes, storage, and accounts directory. While the permissions remain unchanged, the name and description now accurately represent the integration's comprehensive usage.
[FIX] Google Integration Verification Error
Corrected an issue related to listing the organization selected by the user during verification. If there is an issue retrieving the Organization name, it will now display a proper message along with the customerId from Google, eliminating the previous error.
[FIX] Google Groups Storage Accounts
Users can now add storage accounts to Email Groups, allowing for the determination of storage destinations associated with specific email addresses.
[FIX] Tracing Report Error on Searching
Resolved an error affecting users in different time zones, particularly close to midnight, which resulted in the report displaying an error and failing to produce the desired search. This issue has been rectified for improved functionality.
RELEASE DATE: 02-22-2024
[FEATURE] Mark Emails as Processed for Move Emails
Implemented the capability to mark emails as processed when employing the "Move emails" action, enhancing tracking and management of moved emails within the system.
[FEATURE] Predefined Executing Rules Added
Introduced a default search category, "Executing Rules," in the rules list. This addition helps clarify which rules are actively executing within the organization, providing insight into the current rule execution status rather than the historical record of created rules.
[CHANGE] From and To Labels Change
In rules with Email Flow targets, updated the labels "From" to "Sender" and "To" to "Recipient." This modification aligns with the use of envelopes in protocol communication rather than relying on headers within the email. The UI now accurately describes both items for improved clarity.
[FIX] Change Password Invalid Value Display Message Issue
Corrected an issue where the error description for the user-selected password was not being displayed correctly.
[FIX] Mailbox Folder Non-existence Incorrect Error Displayed
Addressed a situation where, during a Mailbox target search, if the folder was not present in the account, an incorrect storage error was displayed instead of indicating that the folder did not exist. This has been rectified.
[FIX] Bulk Accounts Upload Missing Results
Resolved an issue where processing more than 300 accounts in bulk upload resulted in some accounts not being uploaded. The correction allows up to 1000 accounts to be added using CSV in bulk upload.
[FIX] Tracing Showing Wrong Error for Filter Content
Fixed an error in the tracing system where triggering a filter content on an email with duplicated named attachments incorrectly marked the error as unexpected instead of correctly identifying it as filtered.
RELEASE DATE: 02-08-2024
[FEATURE] Tracking Report Japan localization
The report links for files or email open now is localized and will show content based on the browser to Japanese or English.
[FEATURE] Managed Accounts Filter
When creating a rule using email flow we added a filter “Process only managed accounts” which when enabled prevents the execution of the action if one of the accounts in the Email flow is not listed in the organization directory “Accounts and Groups” section.
[CHANGE] Tracing reports technology
This has no impact directly to the user besides a minor delay up to 1 minute to have the email sent through mxHERO to appear listed in the report. We have changed our technology to store and search tracing reports and now we have a better uptime of this service and future scale.
[CHANGE] Integrations section re-organization
We have re-organized this section and now is composed of “Applications”, “Storage settings” and “Accounts”.
[CHANGE] Change Default System Variables in Paths and Name Format
We have added “Subject Normalized” and “Sent or Received Date” which are going to be the ones offered by default in paths and file naming. “Subject Normalized” remove and decompose characters that may affect certain storages and “Sent or Receive Date” is useful when an email do not contain a “Date” header since uses the “Received” header as backup.
[CHANGE] Filter on content naming
When using a content filter with Protect Attachments, Copy Emails (Email Flow), Secure Email and Block Attachments the name will be “Action Filter” since the filter in this case prevents the total execution of the action.
When using a content filter with Move email, Copy Emails (Archiving address, Mailbox), Drag and Drop the name will be “Attachments filter” since the execution of the action still takes places but the attachments are just filtered.
[CHANGE] Login flow removed when re-authenticating
When the user performs sensible actions on the dashboard we required to authenticate again, but the process forced to do a login workflow requesting the user to enter the actual user email again to authenticate. This step has been removed and now the user will only be require to authenticate with the current user.
[CHANGE] 2FA request on re-authenticating
When the user performs sensible actions and has 2FA enabled he will be only requested to enter a CODE instead of having to go through the whole login authentication process.
[FIX] Question AI validation of context not saved
Now when the validation pattern in change and the context is not, the modification is still correctly saved.
[FIX] GAPPs validation not working on Directory Source
Corrected and issue were the adding of GAPPs as a Directory Source in the accounts and groups section was allowed without checking if the application was installed. Now a correct message is show to the user.
[FIX] Bulk upload
The previously encountered problem with the bulk upload of accounts has been addressed and rectified. The bulk upload functionality is now operating as intended.
[FIX] Groups wrong check access to storage
When adding check access to accounts was added by mistake the same to Groups, we have remove this check for groups since they do not have storage accounts.
RELEASE DATE: 01-25-2024
[FEATURE] Tracking Report Japan Localization
Implemented a localization feature for tracking reports, where the content displayed in file or email open report links is now based on the browser's language setting, presenting content in Japanese or English accordingly.
[FEATURE] Managed Accounts Filter
Introduced a "Process only managed accounts" filter when creating rules using email flow. Enabling this filter prevents the execution of actions if any of the accounts in the Email flow are not listed in the organization directory under "Accounts and Groups."
[CHANGE] Tracing Reports Technology
Updated the technology for storing and searching tracing reports, resulting in improved service uptime and scalability. Users may experience a minor delay of up to 1 minute for emails sent through mxHERO to appear in the report.
[CHANGE] Integrations Section Reorganization
Reorganized the Integrations section, now comprising "Applications," "Storage Settings," and "Accounts."
[CHANGE] Change Default System Variables in Paths and Name Format
Modified default system variables for paths and file naming. "Subject Normalized" and "Sent or Received Date" are now offered by default. "Subject Normalized" removes and decomposes characters that may affect certain storages, while "Sent or Receive Date" is useful in emails lacking a "Date" header, using the "Received" header as a backup.
[CHANGE] Filter on Content Naming
Adjusted naming conventions for content filters. When using Protect Attachments, Copy Emails (Email Flow), Secure Email, and Block Attachments, the name is "Action Filter." For Move email, Copy Emails (Archiving address, Mailbox), and Drag and Drop, the name is "Attachments filter."
[CHANGE] Login Flow Removed When Re-authenticating
Eliminated the login workflow step during re-authentication for sensitive actions. Users are now only required to authenticate with the current user without entering the email again.
[CHANGE] 2FA Request on Re-authenticating
For users with 2FA enabled, simplified the re-authentication process. They are now only required to enter a code instead of going through the entire login authentication process.
[FIX] Question AI Validation of Context Not Saved
Fixed an issue where modifying the validation pattern without changing the context did not save correctly. The modification is now saved accurately.
[FIX] GAPPs Validation Not Working on Directory Source
Corrected an issue allowing the addition of GAPPs as a Directory Source in the accounts and groups section without checking if the application was installed. Users now receive the correct message.
[FIX] Upload Bulk Not Saving All Accounts
Resolved an issue where bulk uploads requesting more than 300 accounts experienced failures, resulting in some accounts not being saved. The correction ensures that it is now safe to upload more than 300 accounts.
[FIX] Groups Wrong Check Access to Storage
Addressed an error where a check for access to storage was mistakenly applied to Groups. This check has been removed for groups, as they do not have storage accounts.
RELEASE DATE: 01-11-2024
[FEATURE] Google GAPPs Domain Reading Permissions
This feature enhances the integration of Google GAPPs accounts in our Domain and Account section by enabling the platform to read domain information. This facilitates the direct importation of domain lists from Google during the synchronization process.
[FEATURE] Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
The dashboard now mandates Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for access, aligning with our commitment to bolster platform security.
[FEATURE] Help Text for Variables in Input Fields
To improve user guidance, tooltips describing variables have been added to all relevant input fields where they were previously not visible.
[FEATURE] Store by User Account
This feature allows rules with Copy action and Email Flow target to create a copy on each storage account associated with the conversation within the organization. For example, if the sender and recipient belong to the same organization, both storage accounts will receive a copy of the email.
[FEATURE] Include From Header on Email Flow Target Rules
In rules with Email Flow Target, a new option has been introduced to include the From header in addition to the existing options for Sender/Recipient envelopes. This provides a middle-ground option by using Sender/Recipient and incorporating the From recipient when evaluating conditions.
[CHANGE] Mailbox Improvement on Retries
Mailbox retries for emails with processing errors have been refined. Errors are now better handled, and if recoverable, the system will attempt retries until successful processing is achieved.
[CHANGE] Google Drive for Organization Application Text Change
During the installation of a GAPPs application, Google may take up to 24 hours to implement the installation on their end. A clarifying text has been added to explain this potential delay, preventing confusion when validation cannot be immediately applied post-installation.
[FIX] Saving Attachments Only When a Filter Exists
In rules with action filters, attachments were erroneously saved even when not requested. This issue has been rectified, and now filters only act as intended without forcing the saving of attachments.
[FIX] Tracing Report Hours Change
Changing dates in the tracing report will now respect the user's time zone, ensuring accurate representation of hours in the report.
[FIX] Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Code Length Issue
Addressed an issue where the system, in certain cases, sent the authentication code by email with an incorrect length, not adhering to the required 6-digit format. This problem has been resolved.
[FIX] Accounts and Groups Synchronization Issue
An issue was identified that impeded the synchronization of accounts and groups from providers in certain cases. This problem has been resolved, and a system for automatic recovery from such instances has been implemented.
RELEASE DATE: 12-21-2023
[FEATURE] Notification Email for User Password Reset
This feature introduces the functionality to send notification emails when resetting a password for a dashboard user. The system now triggers an email to inform other users about this password reset event.
[FEATURE] Storage Balancing Accounts Dashboard Tooltips and Validation
When creating rules involving balancing accounts, the system now performs a validation check to ensure the validity of storage accounts and verifies access permissions. Additionally, a tooltip has been added to provide an explanation of how this functionality works.
[CHANGE] New Tracing Report Infrastructure
A new infrastructure for storing tracing events related to emails is being released. This infrastructure will coexist with the current one until the end of January, after which it will replace it in February. This change will not impact reports at any given point.
[CHANGE] Embedded Plain Text Links Adjustment
To address errors in certain mail clients, parentheses "()" are no longer used in embedded links within plain text emails. This adjustment prevents mail clients from interpreting the parentheses as part of the link itself.
[CHANGE] Legacy Dashboard Stats Removal
Legacy dashboard statistics for applications and storage usage have been removed. If you require access to these statistics, kindly migrate to the new platform and utilize the corresponding updated metrics.
[FIX] Always Added Attachments.pdf File
The issue where the attachments.pdf file with links was always added when using Protect Attachments and Secure emails, even when the email lacked an HTML body, has been resolved. Now, the file is added only when explicitly requested by the rule configuration.
[FIX] User Mailboxes Rules Synchronization Error
Some instances were identified where rules targeting User Mailboxes experienced subscription loss in Gapps or Office365, causing the process to halt without reflecting the change in the rule. Additionally, cases were found where rules marked as not executing were, in fact, executing on the backend.
[FIX] Dataset with Regex Not Working Correctly
The option to select a dataset was missing in some cases when attempting to create a variable with regex and dataset. When the option was present, it did not allow the selection of the dataset value for the variable resolution value field.
[FIX] User Mailboxes Rules Account Validation
Rules involving User Mailboxes were not correctly validating all inserted email accounts, allowing improperly formatted accounts to be accepted. This issue has been addressed.